13873 Wellington Trace #B14

Wellington, FL 33414

(561) 557-5957

Customer Support

Mon-Fri: 10am - 6pm
We're Open 7-days a week by Appointment Only

Our services are available to all members of the public regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. Spa services are for entertainment purposes only. They are not performed by a licensed professional.

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  • 2 hour party
  • 2 services Hairdo & Mini Mani for all the Princesses
  • 7 tekkie tents included (each additional tent $15)
  • Large tent with fairy lights for birthday girl (optional substitution of the 7th tekkie tent
    for an additional $45)
  • Fake candles
  • Rugs on the floor
  • Lights in between tents
  • 5 white cloth clouds on the ceiling (if you would like to have the BALLOONS cloud
    shape clouds instead: $150 extra)
  • Candy Buffet included: Candy Bar is set out for the whole time of the party. Gum balls,
    M&M, Skittles, Rainbow Twizzlers, Rainbow Marshmallows, and Gummy Bears
  • Create your own door hanger
  • Free online printable custom invitation (found on our website)
  • Spa robe to wear during the spa party for every princess
  • Champagne flute with pink lemonade for every princess to toast
  • Tiara for the birthday princess to wear
  • Pretty nail sticker for the birthday girl
  • Arts and Crafts (make your own necklace/bracelet)
  • Pajama show on our PINK RUNWAY (each Princess must come dressed in their
    favorite pajama)
  • Music provided
  • Singing, Dancing, Games and Little Princess Spa® Birthday Wishes (choose from
    Freeze Dance, Musical Chairs, Hula Hoop Contest, Limbo, Singing to favorite song and
    much more)
  • 3 tables in front of the spa decorated for you to use to put cake, food and etc.
  • Kids table and chairs for the princesses
  • Lounge for mommies in front of the spa
  • Set up and Clean up
  • Staff dressed in pajamas

(Please make sure all Princesses arrive in their PJ’s we also recommend for all girls to bring their own slippers)
Either at Little Princess Spa location or your desired location. If you wish to rent out the tents for a slumber party sleepover please call for prices.

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