13873 Wellington Trace #B14
Wellington, FL 33414
(561) 557-5957
Customer Support
Wellington, FL 33414
Customer Support
Our services are available to all members of the public regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. Spa services are for entertainment purposes only. They are not performed by a licensed professional.
From: $999.00
Throw your party on Monday – Thursday and get a Big Discount. Select a weekday in the calendar below to reveal a special price.
For up to 12 girls including the birthday girl, 2-hour party (each additional girl after the 12th girl is $40.00, the MAX is 25 girls). If there are more than 17 girls, it is REQUIRED to purchase an additional hour.
If you have 16 kids or MORE, it is required to purchase an additional hour.
If you wish to add additional hour please call 561-300-7369