9869 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
(954) 330-4654
Customer Support
Open 7 days a week
By appointment only - Booking office open Mond-Frid 10am to 6pm
Customer Support
By appointment only - Booking office open Mond-Frid 10am to 6pm
Spa services are for entertainment purposes only. They are not performed by a licensed professional.
From: $749.00
Some packages are not eligible for the weekday discount. Select a weekday and time in the calendar below to see the discounted rate.
If you have 16 kids or MORE, it is required to purchase an additional hour.
If you wish to add additional hour please call 954-330-4654
This Party Package Includes:
Yes, you may bring Kosher food.
Yes, our candy buffet is Kosher
Yes, you may bring food and cake or you can get the food package with us.
Yes, we have a Petite Spa Party for a small amount of girls, and we have individual spa packages.
To lock in your date and time, you can make the 50% deposit (non-refundable) of the party package. Afterwards you may include the addons and/or upgrade the package.